Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wonderful Wednesday!

A list of things that have made my Wednesday wonderful:

1. Weather so nice you can drive with the windows down and it feels uh-maze-ing!

2. Marking tasks off my to-do list at work that have been on there for far too long.

3. Getting to spend time with Luke before he goes to work.

4. Realizing that Modern Family is new tonight and not a rerun.

5. Listening to my current fave songs on that drive I mentioned in #1.

6. Seeing the cutest little two year old when I got home today.

7. The fact that in less than one week I'll be on vacation in Idaho with Luke & his family.

8. Catching up with friends via phone dates & g-chat convos.

9. And the fact that I plan on getting in bed early. I'm sleeeeeepy.

Hope everyone else has had a wonderful Wednesday too! 

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