Monday, February 28, 2011

I'm back!

Well, I'm back y'all! I just spent the last several days in McCall, Idaho with Luke and his family. It was AMAZING and I didn't want to come home. I plan to post lots of pictures and tell you all about the trip over the next few days. But for now, I'll leave you with this picture. Seriously, how beautiful is this place?!

Hope you're having a great Monday!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Gone fishin'

The weather has been wonderful here the past week or so. And today, my family and I took full advantage of it. We went fishing - or attempted to anyway. My two year old nephew was the only one to catch anything, but still, it was nice to be outside and enjoy the day.

How cute is this little fisherman?
Anyway, I'm off to get more work done. Yes, I said 11:07 p.m...on a Saturday night. I'm trying to cram all my work projects in before I leave for vacation on Tuesday and it's DRIVING. ME. CRAZY! (This is so reminiscent of my procrastinating college days. Some things never change, right?)

Hope y'all have a great rest of the weekend!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wonderful Wednesday!

A list of things that have made my Wednesday wonderful:

1. Weather so nice you can drive with the windows down and it feels uh-maze-ing!

2. Marking tasks off my to-do list at work that have been on there for far too long.

3. Getting to spend time with Luke before he goes to work.

4. Realizing that Modern Family is new tonight and not a rerun.

5. Listening to my current fave songs on that drive I mentioned in #1.

6. Seeing the cutest little two year old when I got home today.

7. The fact that in less than one week I'll be on vacation in Idaho with Luke & his family.

8. Catching up with friends via phone dates & g-chat convos.

9. And the fact that I plan on getting in bed early. I'm sleeeeeepy.

Hope everyone else has had a wonderful Wednesday too! 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Fabulous Fridays

Sometimes Old Navy has cute things. Other times they do not. Today was one of the days they had cute things. I found these two things (on sale) and bought them right up.

I also found a sweater similar to this one of Keira's from A Pretty Penny on sale for only $10! It was a good day at Old Navy.

Oh, and you know what I did today before my quick shopping trip? I had a hot stone massage at The Green Room. I'm telling you - that must be what heaven feels like. I could go for one of those every single day for the rest of my life. (Thank you a million times to Luke for the Valentine's Day gift. I LOVE YOU!)

Aside from the Old Navy excursion and my amazing massage, I managed to complete my gift shopping for Valentine's Day AND I had a productive day at work. Aren't Fridays the best?

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Valentine's Day comes early around here.

Yes, I realize Valentine's Day is a week away. But who says you can't start celebrating early?

Friday afternoon, I arrived at Luke's, only to find that someone (Lukas) had gone a little crazy at anthropologie. In fact, I had four lovely gifts waiting for me. This pretty bag was one of them.

Soooooooo cute!
Plus, there were two shirts and an adorable little coin purse. *Sigh* I think I'm in love. And Luke's pretty great too - j/k, j/k. (Luke, you KNOW I LOVE you!)

And while I didn't come bearing anthro-level gifts, I didn't show up empty handed. In fact, the night before, I stayed up late baking and decorating sugar cookies.

Before the icing.

And after.
They're not the most beautifully decorated cookies but I think they turned out alright. And they must have tasted okay since the canister I put them was empty a mere one day later.

Now I just have to arrange for the gifts I'm actually going to give on Valentine's Day. (I have a couple tricks up my sleeve so I'm not too worried.)

Anyway, hope everyone's week is off to a great start. We're getting more snow (surprise, surprise) and I must say, I'm ready for it to leave. Spring can come along as soon as it likes - the sooner, the better. Please and thank you!